Malek Spinning Mills PLC..
Malek Spinning Mills PLC. (MSML) is one of the largest and most modern spinning mills in Bangladesh with nearly 64,000 spindles. Its Founders are a group of dynamic entrepreneurs who have made an immense contribution to development of the textile sector of Bangladesh.
The Company began its commercial operations in January 1991 and was subsequently converted into a Public Limited Company on September 2008. MSML was one of the first Uster-certified spinning mills in Bangladesh and procures its cotton from the finest farms in the USA, which enables it to produce a consistently superior quality of yarn to those of its peers. MSML is a deemed exporter and 100% of its yarn is supplied to local (knit) garments manufacturers, who then export these garments to world-renowned apparel retailers.

Shafipur (Kaliakoir), Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh
Product Range
MSML produces ring-spun yarn with 100% US Cotton. Combed yarn counts range from 20Ne to 40Ne, while carded yarn counts range from 18Ne to 50Ne. Daily production capacity ranges between 30,000 kg and 33,000 kg.
35,000 kg/day
No. of Employees:
MSML is well equipped with Ring Frames from Laksmi, Autoconers from Schlafhorst and A.C Plant from LUWA. It has a testing laboratory which is equipped with instruments from Uster. Oracle ERP system.
C.C.I, Uster.